Friday, August 31, 2007

Poetry for Max

A friend wrote this poem about Max after he died. I was grateful. However, I am not nearly as erudite as she makes me out to be.


Cool evenings, the Black Dog heard her read.
He lay at her feet curved like a scythe
a satin shadow-carpet. For him, here
was the crown of the day: he and she absorbed
in her speaking - Milton, Jonson, Poe, Donne,
Ferlinghetti and Dickinson.
His brandy eyes sealed to her face.

For a time, the random paw pat on her foot
was simply restlessness. Then her sensitivity
woke to his unvoiced opinion. But this
was personification, to give a dog opinion.
She smiled at the folly.
In a murmur one night, she said,
"What shall we have?" and from the floor
a rasp-bass replied "Donne"

Elizabeth Pharris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just passed Brandy's birthday on October 2 (she would have been 12). These creatures can be more "human" to us than humans in that they personify what God wanted us to be to each other ... loving, period.