Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Judas Kiss

So, one of my closest and oldest friends just threw me under the bus recently. He blew up 26 years of friendship. I've been his rock, his confidante, his business partner. But he got offered more money elsewhere. Which would have been insulting enough, but the WAY he scuttled away is appalling and deceitful, plus his running off at the mouth to those who do NOT have my best interests at heart have left me with a peck of trouble.

Where do I park betrayal? It seems to be the gift that just keeps on giving. Sold out for a few more sheckels. Or those pesky 30 pieces of silver. From someone who has described himself as my closest friend.

Never. Saw. That. Coming.


Unknown said...

I imagine this to be a great loss - you have been through a lot together -

You will get through this!
To quote a well known cliche'+
"With friends like that, who needs enemies!"

Unknown said...

Appropriate liturgical timing......