Sunday, September 2, 2007

Garage Sale Hell

...It seemed like a good idea at the time. I have accumulated so much 'shtuff' that I just need to get rid of some of it. I have collections of antique photos, antique books, household stuff (oh yes, I had to have the Panini press and used it - once) and so, eureka! I'll have a garage sale!

My family has a long garage sale tradition, both hosting and attending. But, why oh why didn't I just make some trips to goodwill? I've spent days moving stuff in to the garage, I have to park my car in the driveway, I paid $30 for the ad (which will probably be my profit on the sale) and now have to go out and price and organize the gajillion precious things that some other poor sap will take home. I hope they like the Panini Press!


Sarah Bott said...

That's why I go to Goodwill. Of course, I give tons of stuff there every year that I could probably sell at a garage sale or on craigslist, but it's such a hassle, and I figure Goodwill is a good cause. I'll come to yours but DON"T LET ME BUY ANYTHING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.