Sunday, September 2, 2007


Excitement in the sleepy Hillsboro neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon. Suddenly the street was ALIVE with police cars, sirens, a tracking dog (Oh, Lili LOVED that!) The officers were going from house to house with dog, looking for 'someone'. I think the 'someone' was probably a hispanic male, since they skipped my all white (except for black dog) household. I was cleaning the garage in anticipation of The Sale of the Century, so looked my absolute best, dirty pants and t-shirt, no makeup - really attractive. I had combed my hair (barely). You never know when the gentlemen will come a'callin', even if they are the men in blue.

The officer I queried was guarded with his response, so we'll have to wait for tomorrow's paper or tonight's news to see what all the fuss was about.


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