Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our gaelic ancestry

The Autumnal Equinox, on September 22nd this year, is called Alban Elfed or Light of the Water in the Druid tradition. It represents the second of the harvest festivals - this time marking the end of harvest-time, just as Lughnasadh marked its beginning. Again day and night are equally balanced as they were at the time of the Spring Equinox, but soon the nights will grow longer than the days and Winter will be with us. In the ceremony we give thanks for the fruits of the earth and for the goodness of the Mother Goddess.

What is called the "old religon" is very intriguing to me on a visceral level. I think the old ones had a better idea of the balance between nature and the divine than we do now. So, I do go out and say a prayer to the moon on these festival days.

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