Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Worst President Ever

I have tried to stay away from political posts because I find my poor family divided about this ridiculous, incurious, un-intellectual and poorly educated president who has failed at every business venture he has ever undertaken. And now has failed so profoundly at being the president of this country.

You can blame many other men and women for what he has done to this United States, but at the end of the day it comes down to his entitlement mentality and fundamental stupidity. And this is the guy who is the leader of the 'free' world. Or what used to be. "Free" that is.

These are indeed the times that "try men's souls". And if you don't know what that quote is from, don't bother to post a response. Thomas Paine is spinning in his grave.

A few points of interest:

We are not financing the 'war' in Iraq. China is.
China could swamp our economy by calling their loans.
Trickle down economics were proved to be crap during the Reagan administration, but here we are, trying it again. Good idea!!
Refer to the China issue above regarding deficit spending.
The free market is not the solution to every problem.

I have never, ever participated in a 'protest' i.e. showing up with a sign. But, HELLO! The United States is NOT a dictatorship, and King George has just about run out his course. It is apparent that his entire objective is to keep US forces in Iraq AT LEAST until he is out of office. His "legacy" [how sad] is more important than actually getting our forces out of the **effing * mess that he has created.

Isn't it amazing that 40% of the public still believes that Saddam had something to do with the attacks on 9/11? Why? Because the Cheney/Bush team has had that No. 1 on their agenda for the last six years, and 40% of Americans would rather know what was happening with Britney Spears than with what is happening with their own government.

This 50 year old may end up at a rally with a sign. I frankly don't see any other alternative. Good grief! If the people don't stand up against this dictator - and I don't say that lightly - then - who will? I can tell you this... It won't be the 3700 dead soldiers. Or the thousands of dead Iraqi civilians.


Anonymous said...

Yep, you probably should have left the politics alone but hey it's your blog right?
I loved your Mom post! It is all true!
So is much of the stuff on your "Bush" post. You are right about the dead soldiers not being able to stand up and protest. They already stood up so you didn't have to.
Your moderately republican brother.

Anonymous said...

They stood up for a failed policy under false pretenses.

That's why I HAVE TO STAND UP! Because they did. And gave their lives for it.

lori said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

The climate of fear continues to permeate this society making us fear speaking our minds even among our friends and families.

There is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe-even to the point of protesting (with a sign). Anyone who misinterprets the protest of this war with non-support of our troops should be ashamed of themselves. Our concern is for the troops and bringing them home. We are proud that they have and will continue to bravely serve this country. Unfortunately, they were sent under the guise of fighting the war on terror and are caught in a quagmire that this administration would just as soon leave them in to save their ass.

Overall - to sum it up - WE ALL WERE LED INTO THIS WAR WITH A BUNCH OF LIES! And to keep us there we are delivered more lies...and the cycle continues.....

Anonymous said...

Wow, You guys need to turn off 'Air America" there are other stations you know. Next you'll be saying that the twin towers were an "inside job". Shhh...the FBI is taping our's all Bush's fault, I know I know.

lori said...

"Air America"? Not part of my listening pleasure. Would you recommend the "Savage Nation" or "Rush Limbaugh"? I heard those were some quality news stations - fair and balanced like Fox News.

Anonymous said...

This all begs the question. Nice dodge Thad. We must listen to Air America, so ipso facto, all our opinions are crap, even the ones that you ascribe to us but were never expressed here. The argument (in your expression) shifts to some crazy conspiracy theory that no one was talking about because that way you can - what - undercut legitimate concerns? Likewise, you must listen to the Savage Nation, so, ipso facto, all your opinions are crap. That isn't true either.

Neither is true. Any thinking person knows that we are in a terrible situation into which this president put us WILLINGLY AND NEEDLESSLY. I'm not even sure he did it - he was just a weak puppet of the neocons (despite his 'war president' rhetoric) who have been at this 'empire building' idea for the last 20 years. Even Bush The First (his father) knew it was a bad idea. But he was smarter than his son. And had so much more foreign policy experience it makes me long for the days of George HW Bush.

This President is a national nightmare and most everybody knows it. He has left international relations in shambles, doesn't care, and has now basically said that he will 'leave it to the next President' to salvage this. If it is salvageable.

And I doubt that. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

Uh-huh? I find it interesting that with so much to say "Anonymous" is just that...anonymous. At least I'll put a name to my beliefs. Most of my statements are to throw gas on a fire. Looks like it worked huh? Anyway I think I'll bow out of this ridiculous repoirte (sp?). I think i'll let you Dems who seem to have all the answers figure it all out for us War mongerin, back woods republicans. Woooo! Time to get! Gotta go shoot somethin! Where's that pesky Iraqi!
BTW Where's Craigs post?

Anonymous said...

I tend to share the view that this is probably the worst president we've ever had, for two reasons. The first is that the war in Iraq was a serious misjudgment about how to fight islamic religious fundamentalists. I think this war is, in many ways, much like the cold war: it's a war of ideas. Are we going to live in a world where all people can pursue their religious belief (or non belief) free of interference by governments that choose their own preferred religion? This is the Western way. Or, are we going to live in a world where a few religous kooks can try to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us? After 9/11, the islamic fundamentalists were very thoroughly discredited even within the Muslim faith. No one who is serious thought that the war in Afghanistan to root out Bin Laden was an "attack on Islam." It was the right war, and the military and this Administration did a pretty good of prosecuting it--- until it lost focus in Iraq. The problem of Iraq is that it had no relation to the 9/11 attacks, was hyped on the basis of either incredible incompetence or wilful misrepresentation. Since many could not believe that the US could be that incompetent, it convinced even the moderate Muslims (who we have to win over in this war of ideas) that perhaps the Muslim kooks are right: maybe America is out to get Muslims after all. Combine that with Abu Grahib and Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition, and torture policies, and they have no reason whatsoever to think that Western ideals of democratically elected government and freedom of religious belief should work for them, too. It was a huge lost opportunity that we may spend several generations trying to undo. We may never be able to undo it. Bush must take the blame for making the world significantly less safe, and for a longer period of time.

The second reason is that Bush has willingly subverted the very American ideals that I think our troops fight for, and those ideals are our civil liberties and our democratic/republican form of government. You don't win wars of ideas when you're subverting your own ideas.

Bush will have much to answer for in history. I for one think there will never be a sufficient answer from him. He's an unmitigated, no-kidding-I-really-mean-it, disaster. And I don't listen to Air America.